There are several excellent schools in the city. We also look at the pros and cons of each one. So, how do you choose the best CBSE school in Sharjah? If you’re looking for the best CBSE schools in Sharjah, then you’ve come to the right place. This article will help you with it.

Place International School

In this article, you will discover why the Place International School is the best CBSE school in Sharjah. Its teachers are known to make each child a jewel, and the result is apparent in their accomplishments in the field of education. These students have gone on to become renowned professionals, as well as enjoy a peaceful lifestyle. If you want to know how Sharjah CBSE schools can improve your child’s academic and professional life, read on.

The Place International School is a CBSE school that believes in preserving traditions while strengthening them through modern education. Its teachers encourage children to think and collaborate internationally, enhancing their creativity and intellectual powers. The classrooms at the Sharjah CBSE school are full of innovative ideas and technology. Teachers also encourage students to collaborate with other nations. You can read more reviews and check out the rankings for yourself on the website.

Gulf Asian English School

Born in 1975, Gulf Asian English School has separate blocks for girls and boys, a fully equipped science lab, mobile projects, and smart learning systems. Students also have access to a variety of sports facilities and a dedicated workforce. As the third largest city in the UAE, Sharjah is fast becoming a center of education, business, and tourism. For students, that means a high-quality CBSE school.

Leaders Private School

Children from various backgrounds, mostly those of Indian descent, can benefit from a distinctive learning environment at this CBSE-accredited institution. The school provides qualified advice, equal access for all students, and thoughtfully created curriculum to further develop their academic skills. For the benefit of its students, the school also runs a variety of intra- and inter-school activities.

The admission process is easy and hassle-free. All parents have to do is fill up a registration form online. They are required to fill all mandatory fields and specify a second language. After filling the form, parents must print the form and submit it to the school. This will allow them to track their child’s academic progress.

City School

City School, known to be one of the most reputed India international school Sharjah offers quality education to children from ages 4 up to 17. They aim to create an environment that is secure, caring and engaging. The teachers are highly qualified with top degrees from reputed universities. With several years of experience, they understand that every child is different and tailor their teaching techniques to make it easy for each child. The school offers a holistic approach to children, making it an ideal school for parents to enroll their child in.

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Office Space for Rent in KSA – Here’s What You Should Know

Fri Aug 19 , 2022
If you're looking to make an investment in office spaces in KSA, Grade A space will likely continue to be in high demand over the coming year. New foreign businesses are entering the nation, bringing with them new contacts and customers. Here’s everything you need to know.
Office Space for Rent in KSA